Well, it’s the last day of AEDM, and it’s a weird feeling. It’s been a fantastic month of creativity, sometimes easy, sometimes frantic, but always fun. I’ve painted, sketched, recycled and even written.
Along the way I’ve been inspired by some amazing artwork, laughed at hilarious posts and even gone “awwwww” a couple of times.
I’ve had comments and compliments from people whose work is truly wonderful, and who’ve challenged me to match it, and my side bar is now packed with some wonderful blogs; if you thought you could escape, unlucky – I know where you blog!
It’s going to be strange not blogging every day, but I’ll be signing up for CED to keep me on my toes.
Finally, before I say farewell and wander off into the quiet little corner again, I have an offer to those who have inspired me, and kept me going. Anybody who would like a 4x4 mini canvas/canvas-board, can email me (Freebird at f2s.com) and I’ll send you one. The three I’ve posted here are available (first come first served) or let me have a theme/colour and I’ll see what I can do.
Look after yourselves, and I’ll see some of you at CED or in your comments box.