Tuesday, 13 November 2012

AEDM Day13

If you're waiting for an explanation of this, don't hold your breath; there isn't one!
 I have no idea where it came from, what it represents or what deep and meaningful message it's supposed to send.
I was enjoying a nice glass of Shiraz, some cheese & crackers and listening to Edwin Starr* when it just popped into my head.
Suggestions, interpretations and plain old guesses on a postcard.

*Specifically, "War!"

†Woman silhouette is a stamp.


  1. I like how the yellow looks so glowing :)

  2. Wonderful painting, Nigel!! I like to think it has a spiritual aspect about it...nicely rendered. :)

  3. this is really awesomely done... great rendering of the figure... must say that it is a bit hard to come up with something mystical sounding as 7 am so just going to say cool and be done with it...xx

  4. Wow! - that's amazing Nigel. I see a woman on the threshold of a new spiritual dimension - so cool :)

  5. Um, Nigel my friend, I think the deep meaning in this can be found ... at the bottom of your glass of shiraz! :)

    And woot to that, because it's a gorgeous piece of art!


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