Sunday, 3 November 2013

AEDM2013 Day 4

After yesterday's foray into the world of verse,
I'm back to the paint

I may have the opportunity to put some of my work up for sale in a fairly public place, which is a great chance to get some cash and see if my stuff will really sell
(and not just to family & friends).
Or at least it would be if I had any to sell.
I have two types of artwork.
The stuff I make for myself,
and the stuff I make and give to friends.
So I now have a couple of weeks to try and get some pieces put together to go on the stall.
It's probably going to consist of pieces which are based on my journal pages and other previous works.

This is the start
8x8 canvases with several layers of paint and texture paste (mostly copper)
inspired by this
I've no idea how they'll look when they're finished,
it's going to be a surprise (even to me)


  1. Great start! I will come back to see what it has become!

  2. I love surprises! Happy AEDM!

  3. I think you're off to a great start. The artist is always the last to know…at least in my experience…what the end result will be! Can't wait to see the finished pieces!

  4. I am thrilled for you. I hope the show is a success. I like what you have started, since I'm a big fan of copper. I'm watching with great anticipation.

  5. I love how you work so intuitively, Nigel. Such an adventure! When I began reading about the sale my first thought was how well your recent industrial mixed media pieces would do. Imagine my smile when I clicked on your link. Great minds think alike! Have fun getting ready for the big event! xo, janice


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