Depending on who you ask, Imbolc is celebrated either tomorrow or Tuesday and is one of the four Celtic fire festivals. It is also known as the Feast of St Brigid, or Candlemass.
In Canada, USA and parts of Europe it is celebrated as Midwinter, whilst other parts of Europe celebrate it as the beginning of Spring. Whichever view you take, there's no doubt that spring is on the way; the mornings are brighter, the days are slightly longer and the first signs of life are appearing - green shoots forcing through the earth.

I'd been contemplating a journal page for Imbolc, and had the beginnings of an idea when Kersten posted her challenge over at 4x4 Friday - Imbolc! Time to kill two birds with one stone then :)
The first image is my 4x4, and the second is the full journal page. It's charcoal and pastels over ink, with a bit of acrylic for good measure. As somebody who doesn't draw much I'm really pleased with the way this has come out
In Canada, USA and parts of Europe it is celebrated as Midwinter, whilst other parts of Europe celebrate it as the beginning of Spring. Whichever view you take, there's no doubt that spring is on the way; the mornings are brighter, the days are slightly longer and the first signs of life are appearing - green shoots forcing through the earth.

I'd been contemplating a journal page for Imbolc, and had the beginnings of an idea when Kersten posted her challenge over at 4x4 Friday - Imbolc! Time to kill two birds with one stone then :)
The first image is my 4x4, and the second is the full journal page. It's charcoal and pastels over ink, with a bit of acrylic for good measure. As somebody who doesn't draw much I'm really pleased with the way this has come out