Monday, 27 February 2012

Imbolc (again)

The other side of this page (yes, I know it's a bit late).

Imbolc is a time of new beginnings, the start of spring. The Snowdrops, crocuses and other early flowering plants are already pushing through the cold hard ground, the birds are singing again, and the days are getting noticeably longer.

Although I don't do New Year resolutions, I try and set myself a challenge for Imbolc, either to achieve something in particular, or to change something about myself. 

This year's is to be more positive. I'm not entirely sure that it's working, but it's early days yet :)

Friday, 24 February 2012

Let there be rock!

Well, after a nice quiet evening on Wednesday, the Muse decided it was time to liven things up again last night.
This background has been in my journal for a long time. It was a challenge to use 3 random colours at a workshop, and I  really didn't like it. Anyway, last night it was decided that I would use them, so here's the result (apologies for the dodgy photos, the metallics kept bouncing the flash back).

And here's the inspiration...

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Pampering the muse....

After not producing much over the last few weeks, it seems that I've suddenly gone into overdrive!
Inspiration has come from several sources; support from several people, most of who I've never met. Some totally unexpected gifts from a couple of the Altered Gypsies, and my muse is back!
Now, although my muse is a lady of refinement, it turns out she also likes to let her hair down! Last night I sat with a Whisky Mac, listening to some vintage Quo* when she suddenly turned up and filled my head with ideas. It was too late to do much last night, but tonight the Quo are back on the speakers and I've managed to produce a set of 3 journal pages. Who'd have guessed that good old 12 bar boogie could have that effect :)

This is my Imbolc page for the Altered Gypsies, Wheel of the Year journals. 3 copies will soon be heading over the pond for inclusion with all the other pages that have been created. It's pastels on a distress ink background.

*For those across the pond who are not aware of this phenomena, the Quo (or, to give them their full title, Status Quo) are a band who originally started in the late 60s and are still touring to this day. They're the first band I ever saw live, and have been going for so long that they're almost a national treasure :)

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Another Sunday catch-up post

There's still not a great deal of art going on here. I'm having ideas, lots of them, but just can't seem to find the time to get them done, and when I do get a little time it seems a struggle to get stuff out to create. I'm hoping that next week may be a little more creative, as I'll have more time (famous last words).
I've managed to get something done today though. I have 3 book bindings drying on the side. When they're completed they'll be my sample pieces for a workshop in March.
I've also managed a card for a friend who's coming back to work next week after a couple of months off.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

First, find a frog.....

This is the result of a comment on Sue Roddis' blog,
and the ensuing email conversation.

For those who are unfamiliar with the Discworld books of Terry Pratchett,
Dried Frog Pills are a somewhat extreme medication devised to keep the Bursar of Unseen University sane.

Or at least to make him believe he is.