Yesterday was Crop shop day at the Cubby Hole, and it was a good turn-out. Plenty of chat about people's Bank holiday weekends and general catching up.There was a variety of work going on, some people working on archive pages, others working on word books and even a visit from Flat Stanley. My original plan was to have a go at the Beltaine page for my festivals book, but opted to rework my "12 Questions" book instead.
"12 Questions" is one of the current projects on the go at the Cubby Hole. Each month sees a different question to answer using any media that you like. I originally started with a 4x4 mini-book, but found it too restrictive for some of my ideas so I've now reworked it to 6x6. The covers are completed, as are January & February. March is in hand, and I've finally decided on my song for April.
February's Question was "Which famous person would you invite to dinner, and why?". Leonardo da Vinci is my choice. He was a scientific genius and an amazing artist. Plus, his artwork makes fantastic backing papers. The pages are done in sculpted card, and the inset pictures have been framed with embossed copper to give them extra 'lift'.
Last night was spent updating the Cubby Hole site and working on ideas for circle journals, which I'll hopefully be finishing later on today.
Great piece Nigel, and a fantastic choice of dinner guest too!