Looking back it's been a weird couple of weeks, 'flat' is probably the best description. I've had a complete dis-interest in anything, and as a result I've let a lot of things slip. I've managed to get one or two things done, but it's been because I had to, rather than because I could.
Last night I got together with a group for a spot of meditation and relaxation and the penny dropped- I've been too isolated. After a week down south, in a concrete block where everybody is totally focused on work, I got back up here to find out that there were only two other people in work, and they're not the most outgoing people. Last night was good, there was some laughter but more importantly people who managed to string more than two words together. It's also made me realise (because I've not seen them for the past couple of weeks) that there are a couple of people who I'm lucky to be able to call friends.
Today my mojo seems to be back on the up, so it's been a day for some serious baking. Tomorrow I'm heading up to Scotland to celebrate Samhain with friends, and I now have a huge batch of baked goodies to take with me; apple & hazelnut, pear & almond and ginger cake. I have no doubt that by time I get back on Sunday night my batteries will be fully charged and ready to go for some serious crafting.
In the meantime I'll leave you with something that I've made tonight. It's the latest challenge for the Fat Basted Chicken Club. The current book is Fragment by Warren Fahy, and the challenge is to make a bookmark including a peg; we vetoed the suggestion of a bookmark featuring a papier-mache dinosaur! If you're wondering where the peg is, it's on the other end of the ribbon so I can fasten it to the book cover.
Have a good weekend and enjoy your Samhain/Hallowe'en celebrations.