Sunday, 2 October 2016

Slow but steady

Here it is, the first thing I've painted in a long time.

In a serendipitous* turn of events I received an invite to an on-line course with the wonderful Tara Leaver, just as I was wondering where to start getting back to my art. The course, entitled Touchstone, is less about how to create, and more about why, when and where - a way to overcome the inner demons, and look at the things that slow you down or stop you.

And this was the result of day one. Not worrying about what I was doing, just slap some paint on to the canvas. It's quick, simple and colourful. And Fun!

*Do you know how many goes I had at spelling that! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nigel, it's nice to see you back again. I really like this piece and the bright colors.


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